Hi there! I'm Keith, a passionate software developer with a knack for problem-solving and a burning desire to innovate in the digital space. I thrive on tackling challenges, and using my knowledge of Javascript, Python, HTML and CSS, as well as libraries and frameworks such as React.js, Nextjs, and Tailwindcss, I love leaving a lasting impact wherever I go. My leadership and management skills allow me to drive innovation in collaborative environments, and I'm actively seeking opportunities to create beautiful and fully responsive web applications. Currently, I'm rapidly expanding my skillset including completing a Full-Stack Engineering bootcamp at Springboard, while simultaneously contributing to talented teams as a freelance developer.
// TODO:
// Code a cool grid with some recent projects here ↓↓↓
// TODO:
// Code a cool grid with
// some recent projects here ↓↓↓
Keith brings incredible efficiency to his role as a frontend developer. He's a creative problem-solver and a fantastic collaborator, consistently exceeding expectations. Having him on the team is a true advantage.
Darius Hannah
CoFounder, Talenthouse LLC.
He is a fantastic communicator, and has the ability to connect well with people of all ages. He has the ability to break down complex tasks into simple and understandable steps. He is patient, and kind. One of the qualities that I appreciate the most is that he has a strong sense of ownership and responsibility over everything he does and I can trust that if I give him a task, I know it will get done and that he will do it well.
Alante Lark
General Manager, Chick-fil-A
Keith is a confident, hardworking team player who is logical enough to complete complex tasks while also creative enough to problem solve and think outside the box. During his time at our bootcamp, he worked well with everyone and was always giving his best.
Usman Ali
Software Engineer, Springboard mentor.
I'm excited to learn about your next project! Reach out and we can build it together.
Contact me